To understand the World,learn to understand Statistics

We help youuse statistical methods in manufacturingprocess improvement.

Statistical concepts and methods are developed and applied in industries for monitoring the quality of products, planning effective and efficient designs to improve standards, testing and analyzing the quality of items produced, and accepting (rejecting) conforming (nonconforming) units produced.

Our capabilities

  • Basic Statistics (descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation, variance, mode, median...)
  • Hypotesis Tests
  • Graphical Analysis
  • Capability Analysis (Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk)
  • Regression Design of Experiment (DoE)
  • Control Charts
  • Normality Test
  • Montecarlo Simulation
  • Tolerance Intervals definition
  • Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
  • Minitab Statistical Sampling
  • Procedure ARIMA Models


  • 40 hrs statistical training accomplished involving engineering, R&D and quality departments of mayor biomedical companies
  • Real study cases analyzed, according to customer’s needs
  • Full integration with Healthcare consultancies and Laboratory tests

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